'Mongolia in a Digital Age' launches

In Mongolia, IT goods and services have boomed over the last ten years as the country's young population have embraced new tech for personal and professional use. In 2018, a huge 90% of the population had access to the internet, including members of Mongolia's nomad community, who are able to take advantage of the country's widespread 3G and 4G.
This April, the Pathways Commission and the Government of Mongolia launched Mongolia in a Digital Age. The initiative, which was designed by the Commission and is being led by the Mongolian government, is set to empower policymakers, private sector actors and civil society to chart digital pathways for their country and ensure everyone benefits from rapid technological change. A multi-stage process is underway to develop a national strategy that will include even the most marginalized groups in the country's digital future.
Mongolia in a Digital Age launched on April 15 at a meeting in Ulaanbaatar between the Commission and His Excellency, Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, Prime Minister of Mongolia.