Safeguarding Code of Practice and Public Disclosure Policy (Whistle-blowing Policy)

Safeguarding Code of Practice and Public Disclosure Policy

Digital Pathways at Oxford, a research and policy programme at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, is an initiative partially funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID).

The work is governed by the University of Oxford’s Safeguarding Code of Practice and Public Interest Disclosure Code of Practice. The Safeguarding Code of Practice provides details on how to deal with suspicions or allegations of abuse, definitions of key terms and links to other relevant policies, for example, the University’s Harassment Policy and Procedure.

Everyone working on the project funded by the DFID Accountable Grant directly or indirectly (academic and administrative staff, consultants, etc.) will be made aware of the above-referred University of Oxford policies and, as required, follow the process outlined in the policy to make public disclosures in relation to matters such as criminal activity, damage to the environment (and any other issues of this kind) in connection to Digital Pathways at Oxford.

Partners who are working on the project will also be made aware of these policies. This includes all lower tier partners, for example, Tier 2 collaborating partners, who must also in turn ensure that their own partners who are working on the project are aware of these policies. It is advisable that partners add these policies to their website.

As every other project funded by DFID, Digital Pathways at Oxford is governed by all the corresponding DFID policies. In particular, the Blavatnik School of Government must adhere to DFID’s Supplier Code of Conduct. As stated in Section 2 of this Code, anyone wishing to make a public disclosure in relation to Digital Pathways at Oxford, for example regarding aid diversion, fraud, money laundering or counter terrorism finance, is welcome to approach DFID directly by contacting DFID’s Counter Fraud and Whistleblowing Unit at and/or at +44 1355 043747, in addition to making the disclosure at the University of Oxford level by contacting Calum Miller, Chief Operating Officer and Associate Dean of Administration, Blavatnik School of Government, at, who will refer the matter to the Registrar as per Section 8 of this Code.
