The Pathways for Prosperity Commission (2018 – 2020) has now concluded with the publication of its final report the Digital Roadmap. We’d like to thank all involved for their commitment to this important body of research that has had a global impact from Mongolia to South Africa.
Through two years of research, analysis and dialogue, the Commission has identified clear opportunities for developing countries to harness technological change. Digital technologies have immense potential. Success or failure is almost never determined by the technology alone, but by how it is managed and where it is used. Digital transformation will not automatically be a force for inclusion, but with clear action today, it can be.

Countries also need new approaches to govern digital technologies – and this is one of the biggest gaps raised in the Commission’s report. Building on the work and networks of the Commission, we are working to establish a new policy and research agenda at Oxford: Digital Pathways at Oxford.
Digital Pathways will continue to be based at the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government. We will also continue to ensure that the work of the Commisison is translated into action, as we partner with countries to create inclusive digital economies through the Digital Economy Kit.

Further background papers can be viewed here.

The Digital Economy Kit is built on work piloted with the governments of Ethiopia, Mongolia, and South Africa. After two public drafts, the Pathways Commission has published a full version of this policy resource. The Digital Economy Kit provides a framework for countries to get digitally ready. It is not about ICT sector strategy, instead it is about holistic growth strategies that harness digital technologies across the economy. The kit involves diagnostic assessment and strategic planning, but the heart of the kit is an inclusive dialogue process that brings together stakeholders across the country to craft a shared vision for the future. Join our global digital community: you can reach us below to share your comments on the kit or to get your country digital ready.